It is Legal to Pray in School PSA begins
nationwide August 13... Please Join us!
#LegalToPray #PrayInSchool #ItIsLegalToPrayInSchool
A coalition of American citizens, leaders, historians, educators, celebrities, government officials, children’s advocates and media moguls are teaming to remind all Americans and especially students that, It is Legal to Pray in School. This back to school campaign is endorsed by many not for profit organizations, legal teams and parent and student groups.
Copyright free artwork for the PSA campaign is available at the campaign webpage HERE.
All participants will be sharing via radio, tv, internet media, twitter, email, text, instagram and all social media. Many independent outdoor billboard owners, newspapers and magazine editors are also participating.
For more than 50 years, Americans have been confused about the issue of prayer in school and students’ rights to pray in school. Congress never passed any law prohibiting prayer or the free exercise of religion as stated in our U.S. Constitution / First Amendment. ….. “Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or denying the FREE EXERCISE THEREOF”.
The United States Supreme Court rulings and subsequent media reporting in recent years confused school administrators, students and the general public. The Supreme Court makes no laws and has never ruled limiting prayer by students or anyone in school. Some cases have implied and ruled that teachers and administrators may not lead, coerce or force students to pray, however these rulings have nothing to do with a student’s right to free speech and individual and group prayer initiated by students. Students and teachers are free to pray at their desk, with friends, coworkers and classmates, during free time, sports activities and special events, provided it does not interfere with normal class/school activities and lessons.
It is Legal to Pray in School is an informational public service campaign that does not attempt to promote any political, individual or organization’s agenda. It is Legal to Pray in School is an informational campaign only.
Spokespersons for the psa campaign can be contacted at links found on the webpage HERE.
The back to school campaign initiates on August 13th and encourages everyone to post, tweet, email, text, and share It is Legal to Pray in School slogan and copyright free artwork/logo everywhere.

Artwork for Your Use
#LegalToPray #PrayInSchool #ItIsLegalToPrayInSchool