Back to school TRUTH campaign begins August 13
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It is Legal to Pray in School PSA begins nationwide August 13
#LegalToPray #PrayInSchool #ItIsLegalToPrayInSchool
For more than 50 years, Americans have been confused about the issue of prayer in school and students’ rights to pray in school. Congress never passed any law prohibiting prayer or the free exercise of religion as stated in our U.S. Constitution / First Amendment. ….. “Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or denying the FREE EXERCISE THEREOF”.
A coalition of American citizens, leaders, historians, educators, celebrities, government officials, children’s advocates and media moguls are teaming to remind all Americans and especially students that, It is Legal to Pray in School. This back to school campaign is endorsed by many not for profit organizations, legal teams, and parent & student groups.
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American Historian, Author and Syndicated Radio Commentator Bill Federer said, “
Brad Dacus, President, Pacific Justice Institute, “ in every case defending students’ rights to pray, the students have prevailed, even teachers have the right to pray in school"
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